Liberal Arts Curriculum (LARC)
This innovative and interdisciplinary liberal arts curriculum (LARC) is a cohesive program that informs, inspires, and transforms Manchester students into persons of ability and conviction.By securing academic foundations, requiring interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and delivering high‐impact student experiences, the LARC program prepares students to live, work, and thrive in a complex world.
The curricular framework embodies both the mission and the values of Manchester University. Courses will embody the mission and values through specific course content, though not every course offered in a specific category is required to include the same values or engage the same portion of the mission statement.
The new liberal arts program is comprised of three main components, each made up of multiple categories. The total hours may vary from 38 to 41 credit hours depending on the courses used to fulfill the Quantitative Reasoning and Creative Expression requirements.